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Saturday, December 26, 2020



 What causes negative thinking?
How can one stop negative thoughts?
Negative Thoughts Quotes
Why are negative thoughts so strong?
Why do we think negative thoughts about ourselves?
Where do negative thoughts about life come from?

 We all suffer from overthinking or being haunted by negative thoughts. What are those negative thoughts? They can be our worries about tomorrow, discontent with today or bad memories from yesterday. Like our hand or head, we can not get rid of any of thoughts. If one had a headache, he does not wish to cut his head, but heal it. Likewise, negative thoughts can alter but not vanish.
Thus, we can change or replace our negative thoughts into positive without getting rid of them just like a wounded hand. To do this, we have to walk with each of the three separately. Let us start with memories.
Memory Editor
It does not matter if you are thinking of the past, present or future, neither thoughts nor memories are visible. It is both good and bad. It is wonderful since they are abstract, we can transform them with ease. It is complicated though for it is impossible to see the results of our edition other than on our minds.
Still, science has proven many techniques that can benefit anyone who is suffering from negative thoughts. I am about to present my technique, “Memory Editor”.
Why do we need this?
Sometimes we find ourselves overthinking of something insignificant over and over again. Though we are well aware of the fact that out thinking can not make anything better if not worse. I also happen to hear of many complaints about insomnia, and the people who can not let go off the past and are unable to move forward. Why do we feel stuck? Because, though invisible our minds remind a gigantic spider web. The more we think, the more it allures us. As a result, we keep repeating what we did in the past.

Think of your past! Maybe, you have been rejected by the people you loved! Perhaps, someone hurt you unwillingly or on purpose. Someone caused you pain. Though we pretend to be strong and not to care about them, deep down it makes us feel inferior. Let us see how our memories reflect on us.
Here is the true story for you.
I was born in a small town. When I was a kid, we could not afford to buy any food not to mention clothes or a better house. Years later, I became a student at a prestigious University. Only I and Heavens know how hard I had tried to enter it. At last, I accomplished my goal. However, my life turned upside down once I started studying there.
I remember that I had eleven more group-mates and a teacher. All of them were dressed elegantly, spoke many languages, already made money being students, did not care about the studies much unlike me. I, on the other hand, was feeling like I had come from another planet to a second one. That new planet was beautiful and full of things I had never thought of.

Only then, I began questioning my core beliefs and everything I had ever known not only about money, but also about relationships, career and self-esteem. I studied better than all of my group-mates. Yet, they made more money than I did. It seemed unfair. At last, curiosity hit me. I started my research about how to be rich and why some people are successful, other are not. It was ten-year-old journey. Still it will never come to an end.
I had twenty-four hours, so did my group-mates. I was smarter than most of them for they did not bother themselves studying anything but chatting, giggling and eating together. Looking at my group-mates, I could see who they were, but I had no idea how they were raised. If you look into this story, you can see the difference of a rich mind and poor one. If we grow up believing that opportunities are everywhere to make money and most importantly, see how someone else is doing it, we feel confident and follow those steps or try to do the same.
What will happen if you have been broke for years? Your parents could never give you good food, education, outfits or enough money to go out and hang out with your friends when you were a kid. At first sight, memories may seem so innocent that they have no power. Yet, they are powerful. Because, those memories have shaped us the way we are today.
I have had to read hundreds and thousands of books, articles, scientific researches to realize why thoughts are important.
“Watch your thoughts
They become words.
Watch your words,
They become actions.
Watch your actions,
They become your character,
Watch your character,
It becomes your destiny!”
-Frank Outlaw
It all makes sense, does not it? We can not say anything positive with negative thoughts. If you say, “how can one make money clicking on the keyboard of a computer?”, chances are that you will never begin an online business. Do you know how much money Jeff Bezos is making right now? How is he doing it? Think of it for a moment!
Thus, the words we heard throughout our life will program our minds. Our thoughts determine what we are going to do. What we do becomes a habit. A habit grows our character. Our character controls everything.
You skip parties. Why? It has become your habit. You yell at people and do not respect them. Why your mind has been programmed that way so far. You can not even look into people`s eyes. Why? Because, no one has ever listened to you or you have never felt appreciated. And on and on and on...
To sum up, our memories can explain the nature of our character, why we do the things we do. In that case, to change our character and our lives, we need to start with the core like a weed`s. Everything that shaped us is in the past and on our minds in the forms of experience and memories. As I mentioned above, our memories are a part of our body. We can not get rid of them without hurting ourselves. Yet, we can alter them for the better.
I want to offer you an elegant solution right now. If one catches the flue, he goes after some medicines. And, the best remedy for negative thoughts, particularly haunting memories are laughter. When you struggle with negative thoughts, they may seem like monsters attacking you and you - weak. Since it is all happening in your mind, you can change your position and stop what is going on in there.
How can you apply this technique?
Imagine that negative voice as a bully, man or woman. Then, change his or her image into something funny. Remember the scene from Harry Potter. The students were supposed to overcome their fears by turning them into something funny. Ron, one of the main characters of the story, imagined a spider that he was afraid of. What would he do next? Watch that scene or read it again. Then, close your eyes imagine your most negative thoughts and transform them until you burst into laughter.
Next time we will talk about why the same world can seem both beautiful and complicated to us at the same time. If you are interested in the technique or want to know more about healing your past wounds, then check out the book below right now! Happy Reading! See you next time! 

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